David's Photoblog
Friday, October 16, 2009
  Mountain of white containers

Mountain of white containers, originally uploaded by HaliUser.

  Container pile

Container pile, originally uploaded by HaliUser.

  Rigs in Halifax Harbour

Rigs in Halifax Harbour, originally uploaded by HaliUser.

  Doors montage

Doors montage, originally uploaded by HaliUser.

Sunday, October 11, 2009
  20-Ton Packets

I've had this thing about shipping containers for a while, probably since I read this article: The 20-Ton Packet.

  Peace graffiti and bridge

Peace graffiti and bridge, originally uploaded by HaliUser.

  Containers and sky

Containers and sky, originally uploaded by HaliUser.

Saturday, October 10, 2009
  Retired submarines

Retired submarines, originally uploaded by HaliUser.

  United Church marchers

United Church marchers, originally uploaded by HaliUser.

  United Church marchers in front of St. Matt's

United Church marchers in front of St. Matt's, originally uploaded by HaliUser.

  All Ropes

All Ropes, originally uploaded by HaliUser.

  Harbour Panorama

Harbour Panorama, originally uploaded by HaliUser.

  Under the Macdonald Bridge

Under the Macdonald Bridge, originally uploaded by HaliUser.

  Red Light on Purdy's Wharf

Red Light on Purdy's Wharf, originally uploaded by HaliUser.


My Photo
Name: David Fraser
Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
July 2008 / August 2008 / September 2008 / October 2008 / November 2008 / January 2009 / February 2009 / March 2009 / October 2009 /


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© David T.S. Fraser, 2008.

All photographs presented in David's Photoblog are copyright David T.S. Fraser. All rights are reserved. Though I'm sure if you ask politely and tell me your plans, I'll give you a very fair and reasonable license.